20 Years or more before symptoms appear
33 Million Alzheimer dementia patients worldwide
152 Million dementia patients estimated by 2050
US $1 Trillion estimated global annual cost of dementia
More than 50% of dementia cases are undiagnosed in high-income countries

Our Mission
is to enable prediction, monitoring, diagnosis & successful drug development for Alzheimer’s disease. Diadem is determined to solve one of the biggest problems in Alzheimer’s disease drug development and patient care: early, accurate, predictive, fast, non-invasive, and cost effective diagnosis.

is a pure diagnostic company committed to carry on specific research and development on early peripheral markers of Alzheimer’s disease into technology, bringing together some of the most senior experts from industry and academia to advance a breakthrough in Alzheimer’s disease into the clinic. Diadem is preparing for large retrospective and prospective trials to confirm initial data.

The Product
is an innovative blood-based test exploiting a proprietary antibody targeting a specific conformation of p53 protein. This biomarker, known to be associated with several patients’ inflammatory conditions is highly specific for Alzheimer’s disease onset. In pilot clinical studies, the test shows the ability to predict the risk of cognitive decline in patients who are being assessed for Alzheimer’s disease. AlzoSure® Predict is also an enabler of effective patient’s recruitment in clinical trials for the development drugs to treat Alzheimer’s disease.