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Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common cause of dementia. It is estimated that nearly 500,000 new cases of Alzheimer’s Disease will be diagnosed this year in the United States. Individuals with mild symptoms often may continue to work, drive, and participate in their favorite activities, with occasional help from family members and friends. However, Alzheimer’s Disease is a progressive disease, meaning it gets worse with time. How quickly it progresses and what abilities are affected vary from person to person. As time passes, more neurons are damaged and more areas of the brain are affected. Increased help from family members, friends and professional caregivers is needed to carry out activities of daily living.

Patient questionnaire

Now let us talk about your concerns about Alzheimer's Disease.

Please tell us about your concerns about Alzheimer’s Disease.

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Please tell us about your Alzheimer's Disease concerns related to a family member

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Please tell us about your plans to consult a doctor about this

Please tell us about your family member's plans to consult a doctor

Please tell us about your experience speaking with a doctor about your concerns for a family member

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Please tell us about your experience speaking with a doctor about this.

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